University of Konstanz
Prof. Dr. Ulrik Brandes

Seminar Analyzing Wikipedia collaboration networks (Winter 2016/2017)

+++ News +++

Data from the online encyclopedia Wikipedia offers an opportunity to study large-scale, self-organizing collaboration networks. Interesting research questions include finding out determinants of article quality and the factors that influence the status or reputation of contributing users. In this seminar we will read and discuss recently published papers tackling some of these aspects.
Prerequisites: Interest in quantitative methods for analyzing online social collaboration.
Note: BA-/MA-projects on the same topic will be offered for students of computer science and information engineering in the Summer Term 2017.


Weekly seminar (Jürgen Lerner) Wed 13:30-15:00 in PZ 1001

Tentative schedule of participants' presentations

No. Topic Date Presenter  Slides (pdf)
1 Composition and conflict 16 November  Nicolas Siebeck  Nicolas_Siebeck_Wiki_Collaboration.pdf
2 Membership turnover 23 November  Maximilian Baumann  Praesentation_Baumann.pdf
3 Administrator promotion 7 December  Mike Timm  administrator_promotion.pdf
4 Voting behavior 21 December  Ferry Abt  04_voting_behavior.pdf
5 Signed networks 11 January  Jan-Hendrik Hartig  Signed_Networks-Presentation.pdf
6 User reputation -  Patrick Lihs  -
7 Coauthorship network 25 January  Iuliia Gavriushina  Coauthorship_Presentation.pdf
8 Coordination costs and benefits  1 February  Alexander Scholl  coordination.pdf


Some documents are only locally accessible - see possibilities for remote access.



Some documents are only locally accessible - see possibilities for remote access.

Seminar topics

  1. (1) Arazy et al. (2011). Information quality in Wikipedia: The effects of group composition and task conflict. Journal of Management Information Systems 27(4): 71-98. (local copy)
  2. (2) Ransbotham and Kane (2011). Membership turnover and collaboration success in online communities: Explaining rises and falls from grace in Wikipedia. MIS Quarterly 35(3): 613-627. (local copy)
  3. (3) Burke and Kraut (2008). Mopping up: modeling wikipedia promotion decisions. Proc. 2008 ACM conf. Computer supported cooperative work, pages 27-36. (local copy)
  4. (4) Leskovec, Huttenlocher, and Kleinberg (2010). Governance in social media: A case study of the Wikipedia promotion process. Proc. Intl. Conf. Weblogs and Social Media, pages 98-105. (local copy)
  5. (5) Leskovec, Huttenlocher, and Kleinberg (2010). Signed networks in social media. Proc. SIGCHI conf. human factors in computing systems, pages 1361-1370. (local copy)
  6. (6) Adler and De Alfaro (2007). A content-driven reputation system for the Wikipedia. Proc 16th intl. conf. World Wide Web (WWW 2007), pages 261-270. (local copy)
  7. (7) Keegan, Gergle, and Contractor (2012). Do editors or articles drive collaboration? Multilevel statistical network analysis of Wikipedia coauthorship. Proc. ACM 2012 conf. computer supported cooperative work, pages 427-436. (local copy)
  8. (8) Romero, Huttenlocher, and Kleinberg (2015). Coordination and Efficiency in Decentralized Collaboration. Preprint arXiv:1503.07431. (local copy)

Background reading

Further information