University of Konstanz
Algorithmics Group
Prof. Dr. Ulrik Brandes


This page is no longer maintained.

11 July 2007
(C 252, 4:15 pm)
Steven R. Corman, Arizona State University

Directed Network Models of Text

12 April 2005
(E 201, 2:15 pm)
Diploma Thesis Presentation of Gabi Dorfmüller

Eine relationale Strategie zur Einteilung von Gruppen auf Basis flüchtiger Kontakte

11 February 2005
(E 201, 10:00 am)
Diploma Thesis Presentation of Thomas Puppe

Spectral Graph Layout

26 January 2005
(M 631, 4:15 pm)
Diploma Thesis Presentation of Jasper Möller

Layout chemischer Strukturformeln

1+2 September 2004
The Language of Networks - Mapping Science, Art, and Technology

Conference and exhibition as part of the Ars Electronica 2004 Festival.

26-30 July 2004 POLNET

Summer School on the Analysis of Political and Managerial Networks held in Konstanz.

30 June 2004
(A 703, 6:00 pm)
Inaugural Lecture of Ulrik Brandes

Die größten Fußball-Nationen und andere Fragen der Algorithmik

18 May 2004
(F 425, 4:45 pm)
Seokhee Hong

Symmetric Graph Drawing in Three Dimensions

12-16 April 2004 GI-Dagstuhl-Seminar Netzwerkanalyse

organized by U. Brandes (University of Konstanz) and T. Erlebach (ETH Zürich)

April 2004 AMS Mathematical Awareness Month 2004

The Mathematics of Networks

20 November 2003
(D 433, 4:15 pm)
Markus Eiglsperger

Automatisches Zeichnen von UML Klassendiagrammen

04 November 2003
(R 611, 6:00 pm)
Ulrik Brandes (Lecture Series Information Processing Systems)

Graphen und Google

06 February 2003
(A 703, 6:15 pm)
Farewell Lecture of Dorothea Wagner

Bedeutung der Algorithmik bei der Exploration und Visualisierung großer Netzwerke

Algorithmics, University of Konstanz
Box D 67 · 78457 Konstanz, Germany
Phone: +49 7531 88 4431, Fax: +49 7531 88 3577