Algorithmics Group

Event network analyzer

Event network analyzer (eventnet) is a software for the statistical analysis of networks of relational events.

Eventnet is now hosted in GitHub at https://github.com/juergenlerner/eventnet.


Eventnet is written in java and should run on any computer on which the
java runtime environment (JRE), Java 8 or higher, is installed.

Eventnet is distributed under the GNU Public License version 3. See the license and disclaimer.

Download the file eventnet-0.4.jar and start the program by double-clicking or via the command java -jar eventnet-0.4.jar

Current version (v0.4):

Source code

Sources files (.java files) are in eventnet-0.4-src.jar


The event network analyzer uses the following libraries.

First steps and tutorial

A first introduction to eventnet is provided in the first-steps tutorial.

More details are in the tutorial around the case study: activity and attention in the collective production of migration-related Wikipedia articles

Moreover, another tutorial describes how to analyze large event networks comprising millions of nodes and hundreds of millions of relational events.


Address questions, comments, bug reports, or feature requests to Jürgen Lerner.


We acknowledge financial support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under Grant No. LE 2237/2-1.