University of Konstanz
Algorithmics Group

Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Winter 2018/2019)


Monday, Jan 7, 5 pm:
tutorial in
in P 601

Friday, Jan 11:
no tutorial

Design and analysis of efficient algorithms are omnipresent and thus their study is an important topic in computer science and beyond. This course provides a comprehensive overview of algorithmic questions and design techniques. We strive to convey an approach to algorithmics that begins with the systematic analysis of the problem, builds on an understanding of the common techniques to design algorithms, and results in an efficient solution to the problem.

This course is the basis for further studies in the field of algorithmics including graph algorithms. It provides advice on how to identify algorithmic problems in complex issues and how to design efficient and sophisticated algorithms for the resulting problems.

General Information

Lecture (S. Cornelsen) Mon 11:45 - 13:15, M 630
Mon 15:15 - 16:45, M 630
Tutorial Fri 13:30 - 15:00, M 628

Oral Exam: 1st date: Monday, 11th of February 2019 in PZ 1006
2nd date: Monday, 8th of April 2019 in PZ 1006 (please register in the StudIS and sign into the list available in PZ 1002)

Please register for this course in the StudIS and ZEuS.

Homework Assignments

The assignments are made available on this webpage as a PDF-file every Monday after the lecture.

The editing time for each homework is almost one week.

We will return the corrected and scored assignments in the tutorial.

The requirements for the admittance to the final exam are 50 percent of the total score of the assignments and an active participation at the tutorials. In writing up your assignments, be as clear, precise, and concise as possible. Understandability will be an important factor in the scoring of the assignments. Regular attendance is considered especially for borderline cases.

You are permitted and encouraged to work in groups of two.

No. Post Date Due Date Tutorial Download Material (local access only)
01 22.10.2018 29.10.2018 02.11.2018 Assignment 1
02 29.10.2018 05.11.2018 09.11.2018 Assignment 2
03 05.11.2018 12.11.2018 16.11.2018 Assignment 3
04 12.11.2018 19.11.2018 23.11.2018 Assignment 4
05 19.11.2018 26.11.2018 30.11.2018 Assignment 5
06 26.11.2018 03.12.2018 07.12.2018 Assignment 6
07 03.12.2018 10.12.2018 14.12.2018 Assignment 7
08 10.12.2018 17.12.2018 21.12.2018 Assignment 8
09 MONDAY 07.01.2019 5:00 pm Replaced by Mini-Presentations in P601
Please send your slides/mindmaps as a pdf until Jan 7th, 11:45 am
10 07.01.2019 14.01.2019 18.01.2019 Assignment 10
11 14.01.2019 21.01.2019 25.01.2019 Assignment 11
12 21.01.2019 28.01.2019 01.02.2019 Assignment 12
13 28.01.2019 04.02.2019 08.02.2019 Assignment 13

Note that some links are only locally accessible.

Some Lecture Notes and Supplemental Course Materials (locally accessible)


Further Information